Dog Training
We will guide you to achieve a healthy coexistence between you and your furry friend.
At Modest Dog we specialize in creating a healthy coexistence between the owner and their dog, And likewise, we will help you socialize correctly with other dogs.
We help you with:
Correction of bad habits
Basic and advanced dog training using positive methods
Behavioral rehabilitation

Love being our main educational tool.

What do we do?
We work together with humans and their f dogs, guiding them in a personalized way with the help of a canine coach through positive education at home.

How do we do it?
We educate furry animals and people towards correct treatment and understanding. Using love as the main tool. through a home dog trainer service

Dog training 2 MONTHS TO 1 YEAR
With this course your dog will learn the following:
Do their needs in the right place
Walk without pulls
Excess Barking
Understanding "No" Positively
Separation Anxiety
Commands such as: Sit, Down, Together, Wait, Leave and Come
Control your impulses
Do not go out without permission
Socializar con otros perros
Socialize with other dogs

Dog Training +
With this course your dog will learn the following:
Do their needs in the right place
Walk without pulls
Excess Barking
Understanding "No" Positively
Separation Anxiety
Commands such as: Sit, Down, Together, Wait, Leave and Come
Control your impulses
Do not go out without permission
Socializar con otros perros
Socialize with other dogs
Dog Training ADVANCED

To take this course, your furry friend had to have gone through the basics.
Target (It is a communication and guidance tool between human and furry.)
Outdoor Walk
We emphasize supportive and corrective sound
- Off-leash remote control: Sit, lie down, wait, come and go. Incorporation and use of commands in daily situations.
Teaching sign language
Walk without leash
Management of outdoor situations Work on the correct way of development and adaptation to different environments and environments. As well as knowing how to identify our pleudito's weaknesses to work thoroughly on them and provide them with the necessary support. (At this stage it is important that our furry friend has social, play and smell routines to have better control and that his basic needs are covered. (restaurants, parks, etc.)

adiestramiento canino intensivo basico + avanzado
Con este curso tu perro aprenderá lo siguiente:
Órdenes como: Sentado, Hechado, Junto,Espera,Deja y Ven
Paseo Sin jalones
Exceso de Ladridos
Entender "No"
Ansiedad por Separacion
Controlar sus impulsos
Hacer sus necesidades en el lugar adecuado
No salir sin permiso
Socializar con otros perros
Controlar la sobreexcitación

Paseo en exteriores respetando los limites de la acera
Enfatizamos sonidos de apoyo y corrección
Comandos a distancia sin correa
Enseñanza de lenguaje a señas
Paseo sin correa
Manejo de situaciones en exteriores(Restaurantes, Parques, etc...)
Socialización canina "el abc del buen comportamiento y respeto"

The schedules are defined by you, we adjust to your availability
Length - duration
Classes have an average duration of 1 hour 2 hrs and there are 6 sessions per course
We will go to your home to give the training
Our method focuses on the owner and his furry friend, so they both learn together.
our graduates
Congratulations on having graduated as families full of love and respect for their furry ones.
Payment Methods

A 3, 6, 9, 12,18 Meses Sin Intereses Pagando en línea

Hello! I am Tavo Abascal (Positive Dog Trainer and One of the Best Animal Behaviorist in the World) and this is Charly (My best friend, life partner and savior) who was rescued from abandonment and abuse.
I rescued him, but I didn't know that I was going to be the one rescued. Thank you for your love, for being there, for helping me see the world in a different way; for taking me out of the dark place I was in and giving me the strength to get up.
Thanks for saving me. If I had the choice, I would choose you; in this life and in all those that are missing because I would wait for you again. Together we founded Modest Dog.

Know the story of flaco

Your registration helps homeless furry children who are provided with rehabilitation in case of abuse, food and a home full of love who will never feel afraid again.